Cost of calls from my Thuraya satellite phone

This page explains the cost of making a call from your Thuraya phone. Please note that it doesn't matter where you purchased your SIM card or how you recharge, the cost of calls in units per minute is always the same. The price of units does vary a little between different providers. We aim to be the cheapest place to recharge, so let us know if you find cheaper.

Call costs for different sim cards

Thuraya Prepay SIM

This has low standard call rates across all the entire Thuraya coverage area

Type of call Rate
Voice calls from Thuraya to Thuraya  1.19
Voice calls from Thuraya to almost all other networks 1.50
Thuraya to other Satellite Networks 8.00
Calling hard to reach destinations, such as some small pacific islands  4.99
Text Messages (SMS) 0.5
Data calls are the same rates as voice calls  
GMPRS data - 3.5 units per Mb, billed in 10kb increments 3.5 units / Mb

The rate is in units/minute. 1 unit is approxately 1 USD.

Thuraya NOVA SIM

Cheaper rates in these countries and higher rates everywhere else

Details Calling from NOVA Countries Calling outside NOVA Countries
Calling from Thuraya to Thuraya 0.85 1.25
Thuraya to all other common networks (this is the most common tarrif and includes both fixed and mobile lines) 1 1.85
SMS 0.35 0.50
Thuraya to Band 2 Destinations (not common, see below for details) 5.09 6.02
Thuraya to Other Destinations and satellite networks (not common, see below for details) 8.10 9.65
Data/Fax 1.41 1.81
GMPRS (Internet) 3.5 units / Mb 3.5 units / Mb


Band 2 destinations are as follows: Cuba, East Timor, Globalstar, Inmarsat A, Inmarsat B, Inmarsat M, Inmarsat mini M.

Other Destinations are defined as: Ascension, Cook Is., Diego Garcia, Inmarsat BGAN, Inmarsat BGAN HSD, Inmarsat B-HSD, Inmarsat M4-HSD, Iridium, Kiribati, Montserrat, Nauu Is., Niue, Western Samoa, Sao Tome, Soloman Is., St. Helena, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna.