Here is a list of the countries in which you can make cheaper calls from using your Thuraya Prepay NOVA SIM. You will be able to use your Thuraya Prepay NOVA SIM in other countries, however the call cost is higher.
NOVA SIM Country List:
Albania | Federal State of Micronesia | Liberia | Sea of Japan |
Andaman Sea | Fiji | Liechtenstein | Selat Karimata |
Andorra | Finland | Lithuania | Senegal |
Arafura Sea | France | Luxembourg | Sierra Leone |
Armenia | Gambia | Macedonia | Singapore |
Austria | Georgia | Makassar Strait | Slovakia |
Azerbaijan | Germany | Malawi | Slovenia |
Banda Sea | Ghana | Malaysia | Solomon Island |
Bangladesh | Gibraltar | Maldives | Somalia |
Bay of Bengal | Greece | Malta | South China Sea |
Belarus | Guam | Marshall Islands | Spain |
Belgium | Guernsey | Mauritania | Spratly Islands |
Bhutan | Guinea | Moldova | Sri Lanka |
Bo Hai Flores Sea | Guinea-Bissau | Monaco | Strait of Malacca |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Gulf of Thailand | Mongolia | Sweden |
British Indian Ocean Territory | Hungary | Mozambique | Switzerland |
Brunei | Iceland | Myanmar | Taiwan |
Bulgaria | India | Nepal | Taiwan Strait |
Burundi | Indian Ocean | Netherlands | Tajikistan |
Cambodia | Indonesia | New Caledonia | Thailand |
Cameroon | Ireland | New Zealand | Timor Sea |
Celebes Sea | Isle of Man | Norfolk Island | Tunisia |
China | Italy | Northern Mariana Islands | Tuvalu |
Coral Sea | Japan | Norway | Uganda |
Coral Sea Islands | Java Sea | Pacific Ocean | Ukraine |
Croatia | Jersey | Palau Sulu Sea | United Kingdom |
Cyprus | Kara Sea | Papua New Guinea | Uzbekistan |
Czech Republic | Kiribati | Paracel Islands | Vanuatu |
Darussalam | Korea Bay | Philippines | Vietnam |
Denmark | Korea North | Poland | Yellow Sea (Huang Hai) |
East China Sea (Dong Hai) | Korea South | Portugal | Yugoslavia (Montenegro) |
East Timor | Korea Strait | Romania | Yugoslavia (Serbia) |
Equatorial Guinea | Kyrgyzstan | Russian Federation | Zambia |
Eritrea | Laos | Rwanda | Zimbabwe |
Estonia | Latvia | San Marino |